Planning Your Content Marketing Strategy

It’s 2023 and we’re all on our phones. It’s a fact. Since smart phones came out, we’ve all been accustomed to having information readily available to us and what an amazing, and sometimes scary, thing! Social media is consumed by a vast majority of our population and the ages vary from 12 years (or younger) to 65+. That’s insane!

So, you have a website. That’s great! You have an established presence online where users can look you up, learn all about you and your services, and contact you. This is an absolute must in today’s world for all businesses.

However, do you also have a social media presence? Social media is where users go to learn even more about you. This is where you build that connection with your audience. This is where the magic happens.

In today’s digital age, there are billions of users on social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, and TikTok - and what an amazing opportunity to reach people all over the world with your product or service! Showing up on social media as your true authentic self allows you to connect with your target audience, build brand awareness, increase your website traffic, generate leads and conversions, and establish relationships with potential and existing customers!

Now you’re ready to tackle social media marketing - where do you start? One strategy I’ve started implementing is the use of Content Pillars. They provide a structured framework for creating and distributing content that aligns with a brand's objectives, values, and target audience. Let me explain:

Content pillars act as guiding principles that drive the creation of content across your social media platform(s). They are carefully curated to represent the core aspects of your brand, such as your values, expertise, products, or services. By focusing on a set of content pillars, you can maintain consistency, establish authority, and effectively engage your audience.

Three areas you can begin building content underneath are: Connect; Entertain or Educate; and Convert.

You want to have a good mix of content that falls under those categories so you’re not constantly selling your product or service.

After implementing Brand Strategy into your brand, you’ll have a clear understanding of how to market your business, so be sure to start there! If you’re not quite ready to invest in Brand Strategy, I’ve created a free workbook on how you can do it yourself, which you can download below.

Once you’re clear on your brand - start building those personal connections. Show up on stories, take selfies and talking videos. Tell people about your day. Be real and relatable. This can also fall into the Entertain category, which is where Educate would come into play. Show people what you do behind the scenes! They love that. I know I enjoy seeing the inner workings of a business, and my analytics from some of my posts would also say the same. Lastly, Convert. You want to be fun and relatable and show people that you know what you’re talking about - but you also need to make sales. Simply talking about your product or service every so often to remind people that you do offer something that’s valuable is important! And after you make those connections with your audience and show authority through educating, those conversion posts will be so easy for people to say “YES” to.

Now that I’ve explained a little more on a tried and true marketing strategy - what do you think? Can you start implementing it with your own brand? If it’s all a little too much, I would like to excitedly share that I now offer…

Social Media Management

That’s right - I will now take the busy work out of content creation and scheduling FOR you. If that’s something you’re interested in, please fill out this form and I will be in touch!


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