5 Ways To Create A Outstanding Squarespace Website

In today’s digital world, there are MILLIONS it not BILLIONS of websites on the internet today, and as you are reading this, you are probably thinking, how in the world can my page standout?

This is a very valid question and it can be daunting if you are starting out. Thankfully, squarespace has a ton of templates that you can select to help you start your journey. But now you’re thinking, is that original? am I just copying another website? I know that imposter syndrome can kick in but I’m here to tell that there are ways to make it unique and your own to reflect your business!

Let’s look into the ways that you can create a outstanding squarespace website!

1. Implement your branding color palette

Assuming you have a custom branding, you should use these colors in your website. Your branding colors are unique to you and you want visitors to feel your presence when they enter into your website. Be sure to insert your colors throughout your ENTIRE website.

If you don’t have a branding, you can go into the squarespace and pick out a color palette. They will offer you pre-made ones or you can customize it. If you are looking for some color palette inspiration, check out my Pinterest. You can also check out the video below to illustrate this for you.

If you are looking for a unique color palette that represents your business, then let’s chat. I am here to help!

2. Fonts

This is one the first things your viewers will see, making it essential that your fonts complement your branding (if you didn’t receive any), and that it is readable. This is something you should not take lightly. A font speaks a lot about who you are. Choosing a font can be overwhelming, especially when there is so many of them. Where do you begin? Luckily for you I create a list of squarespace fonts, check them out there! And you can also check out the suggestions from squarespace, they do have some great pairings to help you get started.

3. Buttons

This one is SO over looked, and honestly it could make or break your squarespace website. Buttons are so important to your website because they are your call-to-actions. Your ideal audience or visitors will navigate through your website by buttons. It’s really the point of a website, they are backbone of your online space. Wondering how to get there? Click on the paint brush symbol (in graphic below) and then the site styles menu will appear. Voila!


4. Graphics

Along with buttons, you want to add little more sprinkle to your website with graphics. Play around illustrations, transitions, movement, and patterns. These elements will make the online user experience more enjoyable and they will want to engage with you platform more!

If you are looking for more elevated support, I can add custom illustrations to complement your website in a unique attention-grabbing way.

5. Images

Images are great way to build trust to your audience, and it’s going to set you apart. Be sure to use high-end quality photos and photos that are compatible to your brand and vision. If you don’t have branding photos, then you should great stock imagery. You can check out out

  • Squarespace free or premium library

  • Adobe Stock

  • Creative Market

  • Stocksnap

  • Pixabay

There are plenty of options that are aesthetically pleasing, professionally taken, and that can correlate with your brand. What’s more is that squarespace offers an array of ways to design you images. Have fun with it!

There you have it!! These 5 ways are simple but so effective! I hope these tips have helped you to get started or improve your website. If you are still needing help, then let’s chat!

Hi, I’m Shelby!

the owner and creative mind of Beier Branding. I help wellness and lifestyle businesses wanting to stand out in their market, take back their time and focus on building the business of their dreams through custom brand and web design.


Brand & Website Design For Realtor & Home Organizer


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