Discovering Your “WHY”

If you’ve been in the business or marketing world, you have more than likely heard the question, “Why do you do what you do?”

Knowing the reasoning behind why you wanted to start your own business and the motivating factors causing you to do what you do, is so important when communicating the value of your business and connecting with your target audience.

Remember though, your “why” should be more than about your earning potential! “To make more money” is not really the reason you may have started your own business. Why do you want to make more money? What will more money mean for you and your family? Who are you serving? What are your customers benefitting from your products or services? How are their lives impacted?

When asking yourself “why” - build upon each answer by asking, “but, why?”

For example, if you answer “To have more freedom in my schedule” ask, but why is that freedom important? Is the freedom for more family time, to start or continue a hobby, to travel? Is freedom the only motivating factor to start a business? Because I’ll tell you right now, that freedom might come…but being a business owner is a whole lot more time!

As the famous Lori Grenier from Shark Tank said, “Entrepreneurs are the only people willing to work 80 hours a week to avoid working 40 hours a week for someone else.”

When discovering your “why”, you’re building the foundation of what your business will stand on. When that is finalized, you craft a Mission Statement, and with that, you share WHY you do what you do, and WHO you do it for. Giving you a relatable and humanized voice to your brand.

If you still might be feeling stuck, please reach out! I’d love to help talk you through your reasonings and help narrow down an important aspect of your business with you.

As always - I’m just an email away :)


Setting Goals in Your Business


The Design Process