The Design Process

Have you ever wondered how designers think?

Let me show you the process that I take my clients through during a Branding and Web Design project! In order for a project to move along seamlessly, we all need to be on the same page as far as deadlines go. Each step of the process requires a certain amount of time to research, think, create and finesse.

The first image below explains the steps and timeline throughout a Branding Project. Branding your business is so critical! There are many parts and assets you will obtain after working with me, and I promise it is all worth it. You receive several variations of your logo design, for use in multiple formats and layouts. You also receive a Roadmap, which is a PDF document outlining everything we discuss throughout our Brand Strategy Session, formatted in an easy-to-understand way to help with your messaging and marketing efforts and to keep you on brand, all the time!

brand strategy logo design graphic design branding process

Once the branding is complete, we move onto your website design! Creating the brand first is important, so that we can seamlessly move into the design of your website.

In this next image, I have laid out the timeline and details of the web design process.

website design process brand strategy graphic design

So, what do you think? Does your business need something like this? A smooth, collaborative process with beautiful results!

I would LOVE to work with you! Fill out my contact form or just send me an email and let’s get to know each other :)


Discovering Your “WHY”


The Importance of Brand Strategy